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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 20:08:53 GMT
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[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


"Morning." he greeted as he saw the young gym leader. He'd been waiting for a little bit for the young man to finish his current challenge and for the gym badge to be awarded. Paxton had watched from the stands, idly taking notes of the trainer picks as well as as Hideo's own actions. Afterwards, he'd been directed somewhere to wait for the gym leader before checking his notebook once more. [break][break]

He wasn't nervous about the meeting, but it gave him something better to do than stare at the wall and check his watch. When Hideo finally arrives, he stands to greet him before giving a small nod. "Thanks for seeing me. Sorry our meeting cut so close to one of your challenges." [break][break]

Hideo didn't really seem like a handshake kind of kid, so he doesn't offer. "Like I said over email, I wanted to discuss a potential position for you in the PROJECT SAPPHIRE rework that you might be interested in."


+ [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 23:52:08 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The battle had gone well; Hideo knew beforehand what team his opponent would use, so his own team had been carefully curated: one that had some advantages over the challenger's, but also some disadvantages.

A fair fight, that could go either way depending on the challenger's choices.

With that dealt with, Hideo was onto the next thing on today's schedule: a meeting with Paxton.

Not something he was particularly excited for, after their last meeting in Area Zero, but he still had to play nice. And he did want to hear about whatever Project Sapphire was up to.

"Hello," Hideo answered, a Ralts sitting upon his shoulder - the same disguise Uxie used in public. "I got a place we can talk in private. I'll show you where it is."

His office was a short walk away, Hideo more than ready to sit in his nice, comfy desk chair. There were plenty of seats for Paxton to take, whether a simpler chair that was easier to move or a comfy couch (that was half-occupied by a Musharna).

"So…kinda depends what you want me to do," Hideo answered, the "Ralts" on his shoulder hopping off onto the desk, taking a seat on a cushion that sat upon the desk. "Gym work keeps me pretty busy lately."

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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 1:40:44 GMT
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[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Paxton nodded once before speaking a quick, "Lead the way." and following the Gym leader. Paxton looked around Hideo's office, picking the firmest looking seat to keep from slouching into it. He lets out a soft huff of a laugh at the Musharna snoozing on the couch before settling into a chair. [break][break]

"PROJECT SAPPHIRE will be a volunteer research program under the AQUA initiative." he began. "Our main focus is legends and shards, but in exchange for volunteers we also offer a variety of information for their benefit." he explained. [break][break]

"I noticed you enjoy one on one with challengers about their strategies. You'd be doing much of the same, helping wrangle volunteers for specific research missions, teaching new ones about dynamax or sygna suit, or even directing them towards our mental health services." he explained. "How you teach, would be up to you." he added, pushing forward a copy of the project's proposal to the young gym leader.


+ [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 23:27:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo tapped a small button behind his desk, deactivating the recording equipment in his office. Better to keep this kind of stuff hush-hush.

He let Paxton speak, the "Ralts" sitting on the desk cushion removing its illusory disguise, Uxie's form becoming clear to see (for those who could see).

"Does sound a lot like what I already do here," Hideo said, passing over the paperwork to Uxie, who'd do the reading for him. "I'd even teach Dynamax here, if we had a power spot."

Alas, none within or near Littleroot. Not even an artificial one. Though with how Rocket was acting, attacking people out of nowhere, that might've been a blessing in disguise.

"But I'm gonna take a guess and say you're not just here to ask me to be a teacher," he added, reaching over and lightly tapping Uxie's dangling foot. "Considering the little legend over here."

It'd be the first time the League asked to study Uxie directly; every other conversation had been more about his own goals and desires for the chunky pixie.

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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 3:11:19 GMT
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[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


He nodded. "PROJECT SAPPHIRE would be able to streamline volunteers into things we already have. Like another web of resources." Of course everything was public, but helping guide others in the direction was useful too. Hideo seemed to mull it over. He figured they would enjoy this. After all, it fit the style of gym they'd created. [break][break]

"Necrozma's avatar is growing in power." he said, referring to how reports alleged the GIANT CHASM has appeared. One huge beam of light from Necrozma's proxy. "It's one of SAPPHIRE's priorities to find a way to contain them. Currently, our only lead is the Lake Trio's RED CHAIN, and we need the Lake Trio's support in order to further analyze it." he takes a pause. [break][break]

"We are also interested in helping Azelf recover after the events of the PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY. Not keep it, but offer it and it's chosen partner, if it has one, our resources as well." he said. At this, he pulled out a simple proposal for the Lake Trio detailing the gist of what Paxton had said. He gets up to set it down on Hideo's desk before going back to his seat.


+ | mission prompt: community outreach [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".topaz"] --accent:#D49837; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 23:23:16 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo nodded as well. "Makes sense. Think I could even pick out some people in Littleroot that would be interested."

"All public" meant it probably wasn't anything sketchy. Probably.

The conversation naturally moved to the pixie in the room, Uxie placing the paper down it'd just finished reading. Uxie looked over towards Paxton as he mentioned the Red Chain - in relation to Necrozma.

"Yeah…we already know they can restrain Necrozma, so long as a second one doesn't show up again. But their gems are still kinda messed up. I dunno if any of them can make the chain right now. And trust me when I say I've tried hard to heal'em up, so I dunno if this is something we're just gonna have to wait out too."

Hideo did his best to not react as Azelf was brought up. He had to report that he had Azelf in his (relative) custody, but that was the extent that he shared. He'd already promised to keep her out of the League's sight - something he could fully understand and support.

Uxie, however, was more expressive, its forehead scrunching - it would have furrowed its brow if it had any brows to furrow.

"Can't say I know who Azelf is paired with," he said, "if anyone. But Azelf itself needs time to rest. It did kinda die for a little while we were in that prison ship."

Hideo took a moment to read over the paper, his hands feeling through the braille lettering. Uxie briefly looked over the document as well, before looking towards Paxton again, its arms folded.

The words rang in both Paxton and Hideo's heads.


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POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 5:34:25 GMT
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[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


He nodded as Hideo followed along. He's sure it'd be easy enough to set up a learning network. PROJECT SAPPHIRE could flourish in Littleroot, especially if it's gym leader was pushing it. It'd be a good way to spread out their available resources and reach citizens who might not have any idea how to access some of the League's programs. After all, it's just as much about avatars as it is about the people helping. [break][break]

Paxton stays quiet, listening to Hideo describe progress in healing the Lake Trio. Or at least Uxie considering it was the only one present. "I know. I saw it too." he said to the gym leader. Azelf had been one of the main reasons they had managed to break through that prison. Though, like everything else, the details are blurry. Too many people to interview, too little time. [break][break]

He figured he'd get some resistance form someone that had hid their own legendary for so long. Paxton considered his options before beginning to chose his words carefully. "Unfortunately, Azelf is just as much involved in this as Uxie or Mesprit." he said. "As you said, there's been little progress in healing their gems under your custody. I believe Professor and Professor might have more insight. Especially with the Alchemist's spatial abilities." If anyone could figure this out, surely the two most brilliant women in Hoenn could. [break][break]

"And while a second Necrozma has not shown up, we have confirmation it's chosen a new avatar, one more powerful and dangerous than the last." had not only revealed himself, but had taken the opportunity to show how much he'd mastered Necrozma's power. "Many people witnessed that same Avatar fire an enormously powerful laser beam at Kyurem after it fused with 's Reshiram, powerful enough to carve out the GIANT CHASM." [break][break]

"Please understand, currently the RED CHAIN is the only thing powerful enough to stop Necrozma. Under League supervision, Azelf would have access to every resource available, even AQUA with those who have healing abilities. We can't disregard it's status right now. I am not asking for it's full custody, but it needs specialized medical attention that PROJECT SAPPHIRE can provide." He knew this would be a sticking point from the jump. Dealing with the Lake Trio had been one problem after the other since they'd appeared. From having their gems shattered by shadow pokemon, to being kidnapped, Azelf had seemingly gone through the most trauma and was now it's weakest link.


+ | mission prompt: community outreach [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".topaz"] --accent:#D49837; [/newclass]
[newclass=".topaz"] width:460px; margin:0px auto; min-height:200px; position:relative; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 1:10:04 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo had fully expected further insistence from Paxton. And he did nod along as Paxton made his case - but the boy wasn't going to budge.

In part because he wasn't the one with the strongest opposition towards involving Azelf: Uxie's eyes may have remained closed, but it practically radiated a glare at Paxton, the frown on its face apparent.

But it'd leave the actual explaining to Hideo.

"I've already talked to Eva and Illeana about Uxie," he said. "And there hasn't been much progress on healing up its Gem. Everything we've tried's gone nowhere, so I don't think that'll work any better for Azelf."

"We" was a discreet way to hide he'd attempted most of that with , not or . But all of their attempts led to no progress. The closest thing he had now was the artificial lake plan Eris cooked up.

"And…well, Uxie doesn't want Azelf to participate." The little pixie nodded, corroborating Hideo's words. "Maybe it just wants to keep its eyes on Azelf, but I don't think the League'll have any luck helping either of them out if we get on their bad sides."

Hideo was well aware he wasn't putting a good foot forward in negotiations - but he knew losing Uxie's cooperation would be a really bad idea. It was already hard enough to keep watch on its activities; the last thing he wanted was Uxie to hide Azelf somewhere he didn't know.

Uxie looked over the documents one more time, before looking over at Paxton.

And once more, words resounded in both Hideo and Paxton's heads.


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POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 3:26:41 GMT
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[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


"I've spoken to Proff. a day or so ago about the Trio. She said there is an avenue with potential that she hasn't tried yet, but we have to gather Trio in order for her to try." he said, countering. Illeana's new creation powers could serve incredibly useful if they could figure out a way to regenerate the gem. So little was known about the resonance between the guardians, but he figured she believed their presence may aid in the creation and healing process. [break][break]

With the mention of Uxie's hesitation he followed the gym leader's head to the little pixie. This time he addresses the psychic legend, careful in his thought process. He puts words together like lego and there's a moment of silence in the air before he begins to speak. Once the ringing in his brain from Uxie stops. [break][break]

"We would like to see the all Lake Guardians and their favored gathered for collaboration. Unfortunately, you are not a single entity, but a trio. The chain was a result of your group efforts." he said, his voice level as he spoke with the legend. [break][break]

He lets that sit in the air before adding. "Is there a specific reason for your discomfort, Uxie?" another pause, and then a look at teenager next to him. "Hideo?" More silence. He proceeds with his pitch. [break][break]

"I am not the only one asking. Commissioner is in full support of the collaboration efforts between PROJECT SAPPHIRE and avatars, favored, and shard holders. Particularly because of our mental wellness programs." It's meant to help just as much as it was to shore up AQUA's strengths and assets. The Council and Commissioner couldn't build a proper protection strategy for the region without knowing fully all of their capabilities.


+ | mission prompt: community outreach [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".topaz"] --accent:#D49837; [/newclass]
[newclass=".topaz"] width:460px; margin:0px auto; min-height:200px; position:relative; [/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 17:10:44 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"The problem, then," Hideo said, "would be getting all three together. I don't know where to find Mesprit and its partner, and I barely know anything about Azelf's partner."

Getting and Mesprit involved was bound to end in failure; Eris's distrust of the League was readily apparent, and getting Mesprit to sit down and cooperate seemed like an impossible task.

And , he'd specifically promised not to get involved with the League. With how high tensions were, he didn't blame her; he'd be in the same boat if he wasn't already a Gym Leader.

And he wasn't lying to Paxton either; he didn't know where Eris lived now, and he didn't know squat about Cass other than her being paired with Azelf.

"So if you really need all or nothing…well, I can't really offer you all right now."

Hideo was ready to let Uxie handle negotiations, with Paxton now addressing the Pixie over him. The boy sat back in his chair, letting out a small sigh; things were going over as well as he'd expected. He was sure Uxie could reason with Paxton and get him to understand…

Uxie folded its arms, a pout on its face as it lay back in its seat, the papers it'd held plopping on the desk. Its words would be mentally heard by both it


Hideo nodded - a simple enough statement to agree with.




Hideo realized there wasn't much reasoning put into that; just reiterating what had already been said. "I think Uxie's just worried about their sibling. They don't want Azelf getting too involved after that jail ordeal. And I don't think it's a good idea to make them mad by forcing Azelf to get involved before they're ready."

"And as someone who's got siblings…I can understand."

He'd get defensive too, if he was asked to get one of his siblings involved. Heck, he'd do it for his friends too - he was doing it right now.

"I know Dahlia's asking too, but this is as much as I can do. All I can give you is Uxie's help in the project, and you'll at least know where Azelf is."

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
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then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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paxton concordas
hiring potential [sapphire]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 0:56:58 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


"Even if you don't know where their partner's are, couldn't you contact them through Uxie?" he asked. The real issue was finding wherever Azelf was hidden at. Even now, the risk of it falling into Rocket hands was high. It'd already been captured once after all. Who's to say how long Azelf was in the hands of the Loyal three. [break][break]

Studying just one pixie had it's own set of issues. He doubted the trio were identical to each other. More over, he doubted his scientists would be content speculating on the basis of one pixie alone. It would still be beneficial to Hideo to track his own medical, but right now, the emphasis on the anti Necrozma weapon was dire. Something with enough power to rip through the earth like that was a threat to Ever Grande, or any other city that didn't fly Rocket banners. [break][break]

"We wouldn't be experimenting on Azelf. PROJECT SAPPHIRE has its own sector of scientists and doctors at the ready. Surely they could help it recover better than on its own, in a safer environment as well." he said, pressing the negotiations further. [break][break]

He turned his attention back to Hideo. "As someone's who's lost siblings I can empathize. That's why I want to prioritize everyone's safety. Not lock down, but a safe haven to talk and understand what effects they may have on you." He readjusts the papers in his lap. "I was hoping you two could vouch for the project to the rest of the trio."


+ | mission prompt: community outreach [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".topaz"] --accent:#D49837; [/newclass]
[newclass=".topaz"] width:460px; margin:0px auto; min-height:200px; position:relative; [/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
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Ace Trainer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,649 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 18:06:48 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"That's only if Uxie wants to tell me."

There was little doubt that Uxie was spending a lot of time with Azelf - including when Cassandra was around. There was no way it didn't know where they were, and he was pretty sure more than one absence was because Uxie was busy trying to stuff pizza into Azelf's mouth.

"And Uxie's…"

It was already clear Uxie had no intent of sharing that information. And Hideo already shared what little he knew.

While Hideo didn't know the full extent of Project Sapphire, Uxie was more fitted for reading between the lines. And the concept of being used as a weapon was not something it was eager about - even if it were something it was trying to work against.

And it didn't expect Azelf to truly be limited to just getting medical care and being studied.

So when Paxton once more made a plea - this time asking them to try and convince the others to get involved - Hideo visibly deflated, and Uxie just stared at Paxton through closed eyes. Hideo already knew and wouldn't want to be a part of League operations like these - but he couldn't outright say it.

Uxie, however, merely floated up off of its seat - and disappeared, teleporting out of the room.

Hideo knew it happened the moment he stopped receiving information from Uxie - and he did his damndest not to let his anxiety show, but the beads of sweat on his brow would betray how he was really feeling.

"I…I don't think Uxie's gonna budge on that," he said, his voice wavering slightly. He didn't often run up against Uxie's obstinance, but he knew Uxie was perfectly willing to sit out of something it didn't want to get involved in - even if he really wanted Uxie's help.

He hoped Uxie would cool off soon…

"I can get Uxie to work with Sapphire, but I don't think it wants to get its siblings involved at all."

He hoped Uxie wasn't mad enough that he was making empty promises.

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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paxton concordas
hiring potential [sapphire]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 23:36:44 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


"I see." he said simply as the pixie disappeared. There went any hope of summoning the red chain to suppress should he attack again in full force. The fact that he hadn't made Paxton wonder if they had a cool down from redirecting so much power. Or if perhaps the wait was simply to keep the League nervous, itchy. This wouldn't bode well for city operations. [break][break]

Paxton sighed. This was probably another reminder why they shouldn't rely on Legendaries for their own survival. They weren't always willing to work with them. The LEague couldn't guarantee a legendary would PROTECT them. Looking back to the gym leader he waited, staring for a moment as the teenager seemed to go off kilter. Or, was he imagining it? [break][break]

Paxton sat quietly, letting Hideo speak. He considers his options, and pushes once more after deliberation. "For your own sake, I recommend visiting PROJECT SAPPHIRE's medical team to begin observation. Even if Uxie doesn't accompany you." he said. "As for my proposal, if you can find a way to reach out to the other two, and convince them to attend SAPPHIRE for discussion, I will consider moving forward with the Lead position." At this point Hideo was their only connection to the rest. [break][break]

"The Lake Trio work as a whole. Unfortunately, this an all or nothing proposal." He took out a pen to scribble some notes about the meeting down before getting up to collect the papers Uxie had dropped and placing them neatly on Hideo's desk. He didn't need them back. "Thank you for your time, Hideo."


+ | mission prompt: community outreach | 6th anni prompt - protect [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".topaz"] --accent:#D49837; [/newclass]
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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 23:11:50 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"I'll…see if I can make time to visit Sapphire."

Speaking with Paxton just never seemed to go well. Hideo knew this didn't look good for him, not after promising to be more open the last time they'd talked. But he wouldn't sell out Eris or Cass. Nor Mesprit or Azelf. He could only hope Uxie would calm down and go with him, as had been the original plan.

Though he'd have to wonder if Sapphire truly could help them, if they could fix what other avatars couldn't fix.

"But I don't think I'll get the others to join me. Not if Uxie's keeping them out."

He couldn't provide all. So that left him with nothing.

As usual.

"Sorry for taking your time," he answered, hearing the papers being placed on his desk.

He could feel a limb patting him on the head; the Musharna that had been napping on the couch floated over to him, offering a small bit of comfort in a stressful situation.

The only comfort he'd gotten from these negotiations.

He really hoped Uxie wouldn't take too long.

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
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then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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paxton concordas
hiring potential [sapphire]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 23:33:52 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


"Of course." he said with a small nod as he took a glance to make sure he'd collected all his things. Hideo speaks of Uxie again he simply makes a mental note in his pocketbook before nodding again. He heads out, stopping at the door frame to glance back at Hideo one last time. [break][break]

"No worries, it's part of my job as director." he explained before giving a final wave and taking his leave as the Musharna rose to take the Uxie's place. Perhaps the pixie would change it's mind, if it let go of its PRIDE, or perhaps Hoenn would have to do without the only way to restrain Necrozma. Well, if Hoenn exploded from another attack , he'd die satisfied knowing he'd done everything he could to protect the region.


+ | mission prompt: community outreach | 6th anni prompt - pride [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".topaz"] --accent:#D49837; [/newclass]
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